99 research outputs found

    L’enseignement de la traduction chinoisfrançais en spécialité de français, retour d’expérience et suggestions

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    Durant six années de cours de traduction à destination des élèves de Licence et de Master au département de français de l’Université des Langues et Cultures de Pékin (BLCU), l’auteur du présent article a établi une pratique pédagogique permettant à la fois de respecter une référence permanente aux usages de la pratique professionnelle, tout en y intégrant des aménagements (sur les délais,la taille et la nature des textes) qui, s’ils s’éloignent des réalités du terrain,permettent de mieux profiter des nombreux avantages qu’offre l’enseignement de cette discipline, dans le cadre toutefois restreint qui lui est accordé au sein du cursus classique du français de spécialité

    On interval colourings of graphs

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    An interval colouring of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a proper colouring c ⁣:EZc\colon E\to \mathbb{Z} such that the set of colours of edges incident to any given vertex forms an interval of Z\mathbb{Z}. The interval thickness θ(G)\theta(G) of a graph GG is the smallest integer kk such that GG can be edge-partitioned into kk interval colourable graphs, and θ(n)\theta(n) is the largest interval thickness over graphs on nn vertices. We show that clognloglognθ(n)n8/9+o(1)c \frac{\log n}{\log \log n} \leq \theta(n) \leq n^{8/9+o(1)} for some c>0c>0. In particular this answers a question by Asratian, Casselgren, and Petrosyan. In the second part of the paper, we confirm a conjecture of Axenovich that the maximum number of colours used in an interval colouring of a planar graph on nn vertices is at most 3n/223n/2-2.Comment: 11 pages, this work has been superseded and incorporated into arXiv:2303.0478

    A note on Cops and Robbers, independence number, domination number and diameter

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    We study relations between diameter D(G)D(G), domination number γ(G)\gamma(G), independence number α(G)\alpha(G) and cop number c(G)c(G) of a connected graph GG, showing (i.) c(G)α(G)D(G)32c(G) \leq \alpha(G)-\lfloor \frac{D(G)-3}{2} \rfloor, and (ii.) c(G)γ(G)D(G)3+O(D(G))c(G) \leq \gamma (G) - \frac{D(G)}{3} + O (\sqrt{D(G)})

    Effect of the Nd content on the structural and photoluminescence properties of silicon-rich silicon dioxide thin films

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    In this article, the microstructure and photoluminescence (PL) properties of Nd-doped silicon-rich silicon oxide (SRSO) are reported as a function of the annealing temperature and the Nd concentration. The thin films, which were grown on Si substrates by reactive magnetron co-sputtering, contain the same Si excess as determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra show that a phase separation occurs during the annealing because of the condensation of the Si excess resulting in the formation of silicon nanoparticles (Si-np) as detected by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Under non-resonant excitation at 488 nm, our Nd-doped SRSO films simultaneously exhibited PL from Si-np and Nd3+ demonstrating the efficient energy transfer between Si-np and Nd3+ and the sensitizing effect of Si-np. Upon increasing the Nd concentration from 0.08 to 4.9 at.%, our samples revealed a progressive quenching of the Nd3+ PL which can be correlated with the concomitant increase of disorder within the host matrix as shown by FTIR experiments. Moreover, the presence of Nd-oxide nanocrystals in the highest Nd-doped sample was established by XRD. It is, therefore, suggested that the Nd clustering, as well as disorder, are responsible for the concentration quenching of the PL of Nd3+

    Structural and optical characterization of pure Si-rich nitride thin films

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    International audienceThe specific dependence of the Si content on the structural and optical properties of O-and H-free Si-rich nitride (SiN x>1.33) thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering is investigated. A semiempirical relation between the composition and the refractive index was found. In the absence of Si-H, N-H, and Si-O vibration modes in the FTIR spectra, the transverse and longitudinal optical (TO-LO) SiN stretching pair modes could be unambiguously identified using the Berreman effect. With increasing Si content, the LO and the TO bands shifted to lower wavenumbers, and the LO band intensity dropped suggesting that the films became more disordered. Besides, the LO and the TO bands shifted to higher wavenumbers with increasing annealing temperature which may result from the phase separation between Si nanoparticles (Si-np) and the host medium. Indeed, XRD and Raman measurements showed that crystalline Si-np formed upon 1100°C annealing but only for SiN x0.9 , demonstrating that this PL is not originating from confined states in crystalline Si-np. As an additional proof, the PL was quenched while crystalline Si-np could be formed by laser annealing. Besides, the PL cannot be explained neither by defect states in the bandgap nor by tail to tail recombination. The PL properties of SiN x>0.9 could be then due to a size effect of Si-np but having an amorphous phase

    Multi-host disease management: the why and the how to include wildlife

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    <p>In recent years, outbreaks caused by multi-host pathogens (MHP) have posed a serious challenge to public and animal health authorities. The frequent implication of wildlife in such disease systems and a lack of guidelines for mitigating these diseases within wild animal populations partially explain why the outbreaks are particularly challenging. To face these challenges, the French Ministry of Agriculture launched a multi-disciplinary group of experts that set out to discuss the main wildlife specific concepts in the management of MHP disease outbreaks and how to integrate wildlife in the disease management process. This position paper structures the primary specific concepts of wildlife disease management, as identified by the working group. It is designed to lay out these concepts for a wide audience of public and/or animal health officers who are not necessarily familiar with wildlife diseases. The group's discussions generated a possible roadmap for the management of MHP diseases. This roadmap is presented as a cycle for which the main successive step are: step 1-descriptive studies and monitoring; step 2-risk assessment; step 3-management goals; step 4-management actions and step 5-assessment of the management plan. In order to help choose the most adapted management actions for all involved epidemiological units, we integrated a decision-making framework (presented as a spreadsheet). This tool and the corresponding guidelines for disease management are designed to be used by public and health authorities when facing MHP disease outbreaks. These proposals are meant as an initial step towards a harmonized transboundary outbreak response framework that integrates current scientific understanding adapted to practical intervention.</p

    "Alaria alata : study of the different actors of the cycle, surveillance and development of diagnostic tools"

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    Le parasite Alaria alata (Goeze, 1782) est un trématode qui nécessite trois hôtes obligatoire et qui présente la particularité de pouvoir infester un grand nombre d'espèces animales (oiseaux, reptiles, mammifères) au stade mésocercaire..Depuis que la recherche de trichine par des méthodes de digestion a été rendu obligatoire chez les sangliers chassés dans l'ensemble des pays de l'union européenne, elle a permis également la détection des mésocercaires dans les muscles de ces animaux. L'étude de la répartition des déclarations de sangliers porteurs montre que les cas se situent majoritairement dans l'Est de la France. Le nombre de déclarations en augmentation entre 2007 et 2010 est probablement lié à la sensibilisation des laboratoires à la présence d'A. alata plutôt qu'une réelle émergence. A partir d'une base de données de déclaration dans le Bas-Rhin montre que la répartition spatiale des sangliers porteurs du parasite se limite à la vallée du Rhin bornée par le massif des Vosges soulignant ainsi l'importance des zones humides pour la maintien du parasite. Une relation significative existe entre le portage du parasite et les saisons printemps-été ainsi qu'une émergence réelle du parasite entre 2007 et 2010. Par une approche moléculaire le rôle de Planorbis planorbis et Anisus vortex comme premier hôte intermédiaire a été confirmée in natura lors de l'examen de mollusques. La nature des biotopes des mollusques a été abordée ainsi que leur périodes d'émission des cercaires d'A. alata ce qui explique partiellement la saisonnalité des cas observée chez les sangliers du Bas-Rhin..Des prélèvements de muscles sur 6 sangliers chassés dans des zones de forte circulation du parasite, soumis à une méthode de Baermann modifiée, ont permis de mettre en évidence des taux d'infestation de plus de 1000 mésocercaires pour 100 gr. La distribution des mésocercaires chez le sanglier est très large avec toutefois des localisations ciblées vers les tissus antérieurs au diaphragme. Nous avons également mis en évidence une sensibilité du parasite à la congélation et une longue persistance dans les viandes en décomposition.. A partir de mésocercaires isolées sur sanglier, des infestations sur souris ainsi que des tests de survie in vitro ont été effectués :. Chez les souris, chez certains amphibiens et in vitro, une encapsulation active des mésocercaires a été observée ce qui tend à montrer que le parasite dispose de moyens d'éviter la réaction de l'hôte. Si le parasite (au stade cercaires et mésocercaires) est fortement inféodé aux milieux humides, il est capable de phénomène de transfuge à une grande variété d'hôtes paraténiques qui ainsi participent très largement à son maintien et à sa dispersion.The parasite Alaria alata (Goeze, 1782) is a flatworm which needs three obligatory hosts for its development but its particularity lies in that it can infect a wide number of hosts (birds, reptiles, mammals) at the mesocercarial stage. Since the search of trichinella by pepsinic digestion in the muscles of hunted wild boars has become mandatory in the European union, this analysis has also lead to the detection of Alaria alata in the muscles of these animals. The study of case distributions shows that most of the cases have occurred in the East of France. The number of infected wild boars has increased between 2007 and 2010 which is probably more due to the awareness of laboratories to the presence of A. alata mesocercaria than to a true emergence. Using database for the Bas-Rhin département, we were able to show a geographical cluster of positive wild boars around the Rhine Valley and bordered by the Vosges Mountains, hence showing the importance of wetland areas for the sustenance of the parasite. A significant association between A. alata positivity and the spring and summer seasons was noted as well as a true emergence of the parasite between 2007 and 2010. We then sought to identify the first intermediate snail hosts using molecular tools on snail and cercaria collected in infected areas which lead us to identify two Planorbid species: Planorbis planorbis and Anisus vortex. Search of these two species on different biotopes showed that specific environmental conditions were needed for these species, and therefore the parasite, to be present. We proceeded to test different muscular samples from 6 wild boars using a test derived from the Baermann method. Tests showed the highest parasite burdens ever observed in the literature with several samples over 1000 mesocercaria/100g. Distribution within the carcass is very wide though it appears to be oriented to the tissues anterior to the diaphragm. We also showed that the parasite was sensitive to freezing but long persisting in decaying meat. From the mesocercaria collected on the wild boars, experimental infections were performed on mice and survival tests were done in vitro. In mice, but also in amphibians and in vitro, mesocercaria actively formed an inert capsule which would tend to prove the existence of equipments to evade the host's reactions. The works presented here show two important aspects of A. alata's life cycle: the importance of wetlands for its sustenance and also the parasite's ability to persist in a wide variety of paratenic hosts which participate in its sustainance and dispersal

    Ternary Egyptian fractions with prime denominator

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    Funder: Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003343Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000266Funder: Trinity College, University of Cambridge; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000727AbstractFor a prime number p, let A3(p)={mN:m1,m2,m3N,mp=1m1+1m2+1m3}A_3(p)= | \{ m \in \mathbb {N}: \exists m_1,m_2,m_3 \in \mathbb {N}, \frac{m}{p}=\frac{1}{m_1}+\frac{1}{m_2}+\frac{1}{m_3} \} | A 3 ( p ) = | { m ∈ N : ∃ m 1 , m 2 , m 3 ∈ N , m p = 1 m 1 + 1 m 2 + 1 m 3 } | . In 2019 Luca and Pappalardi proved that x(logx)3pxA3(p)x(logx)5x (\log x)^3 \ll \sum _{p \le x} A_{3}(p) \ll x (\log x)^5 x ( log x ) 3 ≪ ∑ p ≤ x A 3 ( p ) ≪ x ( log x ) 5 . We improve the upper bound, showing pxA3(p)x(logx)3(loglogx)2\sum _{p \le x} A_{3}(p) \ll x (\log x)^3 (\log \log x)^2 ∑ p ≤ x A 3 ( p ) ≪ x ( log x ) 3 ( log log x ) 2 .</jats:p

    Salive et carie

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF